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    Aug 2012 – Nov 2013

    Asia Pacific

ICAAP 11 (11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific). ICAAP is the largest HIV/AIDS forum held in Asia and the Pacific region funded/supported by UNAIDS, ASAP, WHO, ADB, Australian AID. For over 20 years, ICAAP has played a key role in raising public awareness, building political commitment, strengthening advocacy networks and disseminating knowledge on HIV/AIDS issues among key affected populations and other stakeholders in the region.

The main objectives of this forum are to enhance public awareness and media attention on the continued impact of HIV/AIDS and the needs for responses to the epidemic; to gain a greater understanding and commitment for increased investment in community based and evidence-based interventions and innovations; to share best practices and lessons learned on scaling up and sustaining effective responses to reach the triple zero; to strengthen political commitment for sustaining resources and programmes for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, support and reducing discrimination and stigmatization.

ICAAP 11 will be held over five days from the 18th to the 22nd of November, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The ICAAP 11 programme has been planned with the needs of the community first and foremost in mind. The leadership, scientific, community and youth programmes will be integrated in order to create an inclusive congress. The ICAAP 11 programme will place an emphasis on identifying innovative cutting edge approaches that are addressing regional challenges in order to guide investment and the future direction of HIV/AIDS policies and programmes. It is expected that more than 5000 people will be attending the said event across the world.




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